Sermon links, recommended reading, links to resources and other information.
Sermon links, recommended reading, links to resources and other information.
“Rise Up”
Easter 2017
Sermon from May 5, 2013
At Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill, NC
Psalm 67; John 5:1-9
Listen to audio recording
Embodied Prayers of the People
by Marcia Mount Shoop
Inspired by Native American and Celtic prayers.
Embodied Prayer of Confession (PDF)
by Marcia Mount Shoop
Many thanks to singer/songwriter Elise Witt for the song used in the above prayer.
“Body-Wise: Re-fleshing Christian Spiritual and Theological Practice in Trauma’s Wake,” in Trauma and Transcendence: Limits of Theory and Prospects in Thinking, Peter Capretto and Eric Boynton, Editors (Forthcoming from Fordham University Press, Fall 2017).
“Oceans of Love and Turbulent Seas: Mothering an Anxious Child and the Spirituality of Ambiguity,” in Parenting as Spiritual Practice and Source for Theology: Mothering Matters, Claire Bischoff, Elizabeth Gandolfo, and Annie Hardison-Moody, Editors (Forthcoming from Palgrave MacMillan Press, Fall 2017).
A Body Broken, A Body Betrayed: Race, Memory, and Eucharist in White-Dominant Churches, co-authored with Mary McClintock-Fulkerson, (Cascade Books, October 2015)
“Thy Presence is My Stay” in Faithfully Feminist: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Feminists on Why We Stay (White Cloud Press, 2015)
Touchdowns for Jesus and Other Signs of Apocalypse: Lifting the Veil on Big-Time Sports (Cascade Books, July 2014)
Shall We Dance? is an invited response to a paper by Curtis L. Thompson entitled Dancing in God: The Relevance of Ritual for Conceiving the Divine Today (University of Chicago Divinity School Website, September 2011)
Let the Bones Dance: Embodiment and the Body of Christ (Westminster/John Knox Press, September 2010)
Theological Perspective Essay on 1 Samuel 1:4-20 in Feasting on the Word: Preaching from the Revised Common Lectionary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, (Westminster John Knox Press, June 2008)
Theology Perspective Essay on 2 Samuel 23:1-7 in Feasting on the Word: Preaching from the Revised Common Lectionary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, (Westminster John Knox Press, June 2008)
Theology Perspective Essay on Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 in in Feasting on the Word: Preaching from the Revised Common Lectionary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, (Westminster John Knox Press, June 2008)
“More Than Skin Deep,” in Wide Open Spaces, edited by Carol Henderson (Circle Books of John Hunt Publishing, 2011) ~A book on call narratives with writing prompts included to assist readers in writing about their own call to ministry.
“Embodying Theology: Motherhood as Method/Metaphor,” in Women, Writing, Theology, edited by Emily Holmes (Baylor Press, 2011).
Lectionary Devotions for May 9-15, 2010 for These Days: Daily Devotions for Living by Faith (Louisville, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2010)
Lectionary Devotions for October 15-21, 2006 for These Days: Daily Devotions for Living by Faith (Louisville, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2006)
“Mary,” The Presbytery Outlook at
Book Review of Controversies in Body Theology, edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid and Lisa Isherwood. Controversies in Contextual Theology Series. London UK: SCM Press, 2008.
Book Review of Feminist and Womanist Essays in Reformed Dogmatics (Louisville, W/JKP, 2006), in The Presbyterian Outlook vol. 190 no. 33 (October 6, 2008)
Book Review of Feminist and Womanist Essays in Reformed Dogmatics (Louisville, W/JKP, 2006), in Theological Studies 69/2 (June 2008)
Book Review of The Wounding and Healing of Desire: Weaving Heaven and Earth (Louisville, W/JKP, 2005), in The Presbyterian Outlook (May 2006)
Book Review of The Transforming God: An Interpretation of Suffering and Evil (Louisville, W/JKP, 1997), in Theology Today (April 1998)
"Jesus said, ask me for what you need, keep my commandments, tend my sheep, go forth and tell the nations—reach out into the corners of the world where there is no hope, cross social boundaries that everyone holds sacred. He says heal on the Sabbath, overturn the money changers in the temple, take water from a despised person, sit down and eat with the outcasts, and shout back to death—tell it “you don’t have the last word in my life.”He says tell people that God is close by—even inside the hearts of those who keep my one simple commandment—to love one another as I have loved you. Yes, it’s time for us to fight fire with fire—to have a revival of Christian love, to let the life that Jesus told us to believe in burn brighter than the death that surrounds us. It’s time for us to fight fire with fire—to speak up where Jesus is used to divide—to tell our stories of redemption, to say what Jesus has done for us."
“Perhaps the most dangerous place any of us could be is where the questions stop, where we don’t even bother to ask, where we don’t feel moved to notice God’s fingerprints all around us. God answers Job over and over again in scripture – in liberation, in compassion, in the Law, and in the community. And in Jesus Christ – who arrived on the scene with a message as old as creation itself – God loves you, God is close by , and God knows who you were made to be. Jesus can answer your questions and mine. Jesus says your soul has God’s fingerprints all over it.”
“Jesus gives us a new kind of intimacy with God – this access to God’s crazy dream to have us all together in one place, singing and praising, praying and celebrating. Jesus embodies this kind of love – the kind of love that crosses lines, that sits down at the table with those regarded as unclean. Jesus loves us that way and tells us we can do it, too. We can befriend our enemies, with God’s help. We can welcome the stranger, we can even embrace the stranger in ourselves.”
“You can feel called to ascetic practice from Paul’s words; you can also embrace the spiritual renewal that Christ gives us—even in our bodies, our flesh. When all is said and done, our passage today is about newness, transformation—and that it does have to do with the body. We hear these words when we are assured of God’s grace after our prayers of confession: anyone who is in Christ is a new creation.”
“Life lived in God is life lived for God, with God, and in response to God. Life lived in God is life lived with the assurance of love that knows no time, no space limitation, no kind of statute of limitation. Our Christian identity finds its integrity in God. Fear, therefore, is not our mode of operation. Instead, we trust, we seek, we pray, we hope…”
“We all aren’t just fools to believe. We live and breathe the promises of Christ each day. We are those who have been changed, transformed by what Jesus gave us—the palpable presence of God, the peace that passes understanding, the Spirit-filled capacity to love even the hardest to love, the audacity to believe that God loves the world enough to heal it. You see the antithesis of fear for Christians is not comfort, it is JOY!”
“We could help give birth to Presbyterian congregations that no longer have just one race represented on their rolls. We could make segregated worship on Sundays a thing of the past. We could mother our church families through arguments and conflict until we can be a family again—a family that welcomes and accepts and embraces being in communities with people who do not all think the same on the hard issues of our day, especially on this issue of homosexuality—we can be the mothers who demand an end to fighting and a beginning to finding a new way to be church together.”
“Take in that sense of truth and vulnerability-that sense of God’s faithfulness in the midst of it all. Let it penetrate you so that you might be who God is calling you to be-someone not afraid to feel the earth move and someone who knows a kingdom that cannot be shaken.”
Race: The Power of an Illusion, California Newsreel
To access go to:
Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, a film by Shakti Butler, Ph.D.
To access go to: