Sermon “Go and Be Likewise”
My first sermon at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Asheville, NC. After an intense week of violence in our country, the Good Samaritan raises some new/old questions about white supremacy and the moral ambivalence of white dominant institutions around race and power questions. Link here to transcript and audio.
I am a ‘retired’ Anglican (Epsicopal) priest who train in Soweto, South Africa. While you and I both looked to the ditch for our sermons I was struck by your eloquence and clarity of thought and have taken the liberty of quoting you in my blog . I also recommend your blog to my followers. I do hope that is okay?
Thank you, Loraine. I appreciate your affirmation and our common work. Of course, I am happy for you to quote and to share. Thank you. And blessings in your continued work.